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Importance of glass furnace design

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Importance of glass furnace design

Date:2017-06-26 Author:www.ts-case.com Click:



The design of glass kiln relates to the quality of the whole glass project. A good glass kiln design can make perfect glass and make the production handy in the process of use.

When we stop our eyes in the western developed countries, they can probably reach the temperature of thousands of degrees in the process of glass kiln construction, and they can reach the high temperature along the curve, which will prevent the distortion of the glass in the basin and prevent the damage of kiln blasting. Other kilns usually have a service life of more than ten years. Although there are some technologies in China, they still need to be innovated in materials and plans. What are our resumes? When there was a power outage at home, the semi-finished glass products just planned were delicate and deformed briefly. If distorted deformation was formed at this time, it would lead to wasted efforts, so the cooling process was extremely important. After experiencing a high temperature of 1,000 degrees, these glass products were sent to the conveyor belt, waiting for the gradual cooling process, and those crystal clear glasses were born in minutes.

Natural gas can still be used for cooking, so if the glass kiln can be processed by natural gas after the construction is blocked, the delay and loss of the production process due to the lack of continuous heating can be prevented. However, there is still an arduous task before everyone, that is, it is necessary to invent a kiln that can supply heat with natural gas, and only how can it reach the incineration value of the example.


